I blog, there fore I am: Brought to you by the letter ‘W’

Say it Rah-shay By Aug 28, 2009 6 Comments

I haven’t posted in a while*.
Some of it is time: The Bee, work, home took a huge bite of my time and I will cop to having serious time management issues. Some of it is content. I mean really, how many times can I bitch about being fat and not do anything about it? A smidgen belongs to self confidence: How could *I* dare to wax poetically about anything? However, the biggest reason is that I am having a mini crisis of blog existentialism disguised as the Five W’s:

  • Who is this blog for?
  • What is my blog supposed to be??
  • When am I going to update it?
  • Where is this going?
  • Why am I here?**

With my blogoversary in two days, I really have been thinking about what I want to do and where I want to do it. When I slapped on that blogoversary countdown counter (say that fast four times!) I had a plan of using my blogoversary as a time to celebrate my writings and witty observations. As I re-read the entries, I see that while I had some great times, my blog is full of some superfluous dribble.

My thoughts when I started were that if everyone else is doing it why not me? But the more I updated, had people read my words (eek!) and got into a somewhat steady rhythm, I realized that I want this to be a place that, while light and airy, is still substantial and interesting.


To overcome this crisis I googled my symptoms and I came to this sight: Lead Thyself.com. They recommended some steps to overcome a crisis and me being me decided to follow only those that I liked (Guess which one is my favorite?) and to do them when I was able.

Action advice
1. Accept that as a human being you deserve to reach a stable state of mind by honoring your basic human needs.
-Mommy, work guilt and the like made this step extremely difficult. Begrudgingly I climbed this hump

2. If you are tired, sleep.

3. Open some windows if the air quality outside is good. Take ten deep breaths. (Inhale deeply, hold for 10 seconds, exhale)
-Decided to take a walk. Looked around at everything that I needed to do and got instantly depressed. Back to step two ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

4. Drink a glass of water or eat a fruit.
-Does a bowl of Froot Loops counts. Hope so ’cause that’s what I had

5. (Exercise caution and common sense) Give yourself an energy and morale boost by doing an exercise that is safe for you. Carefully push yourself to perspire and breathe deeply if your health allows. Some suggestions: walking inside the house, jogging inside the house, taking a walk/jog, strength/suppleness training, doing a familiar exercise routine.
-Got depressed again thinking about not wogging the past few days. Then got more so upset because I feel that I should be running and not wogging at this point. Got upset YET again when I realized that I allowed myself to fall prey to my normal trap of “What Rachée did wrong, version 2.0”.

6. Get some sunlight/daylight/light.
-Dammit! It rained.

7. Drink plenty of water (500-1000 ml) while getting light.
-Had a coffee from Wawa. It’s liquid!

8. Take a preferably hot shower and relax.
-This one was spot on.

9. Eat a healthy meal consisting of water rich food. (vegetables etc)
-Had vegetable pizza. Extra spinach and tomatoes.

10. Briefly clean up/tidy up your living environment.
-Damn you! Depressed again. I may possibly be a candidate for A&E’s new series, Hoarders.

11. If there is one, make a plan to remove or decrease the risk of a threat to your physical, financial, social safety that significantly bothers you and if it is within your control to do something about the situation. After you make this plan, by all means take at least one small step towards the completion of it.
-I’m making some moves. ’nuff said.

12. Connect with people you feel close to and spend some time with them. If nobody is available, spend time in a place where there are people.
-No one answered when I called. Was feeling a bit lonesome and woe is me-ish when I realized that perhaps the middle of a work day is a poor time to try and connect. Just because I have downtime for the next few weeks is not necessarily true for everyone else.

C’est la vie; while there was no miraculous change I did remember that this is supposed to be fun and so I am giving myself permission to write what I want, how and when I want and enjoy it.

Now, if only real life could be so quickly and neatly attended to.

Not worrying and being happy,

*Really, Captain Obvious?
** This is a question I often ask myself when I am doing something I KNOW I have no business doing.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. bettyl says:

    When I mentioned my blog to an acquaintance, they poo-pooed it with a comment like–why does everybody thing they need to tell the world about their dreary life? That is so WRONG. Blogs are therapy, they are communication, they are sharing.
    Thanks for the tips!

  2. SueFitz says:

    Congrats on your blogoversay!

  3. ~Rachée says:

    Hi all Thank you for visiting.
    @ bettyl: This blog has been great for giving me a place to hash some things over. I agree with you 100%.
    @ SueFitz and Teena: Thank you guys for the well wishes.

  4. Happy blogoversary!

  5. bettyl says:

    When I mentioned my blog to an acquaintance, they poo-pooed it with a comment like–why does everybody thing they need to tell the world about their dreary life? That is so WRONG. Blogs are therapy, they are communication, they are sharing.
    Thanks for the tips!

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!