Holiday Hrumph

Say it Rah-shay By Dec 08, 2009 No Comments

The holidays are coming and I am so NOT looking forward to the season. Instead of thinking of all of the fun to be had: Food, light shows, decorations, trips to malls, all I can think of is all of the crap that I have to do: Food, lights, decorations, trips to the mall.

Golly I sound like a Scrooge! But this is the way I feel. I guess I should be thankful; this time last year my mom was hospitalized and we all didn’t know whether she would make it or not. Almost fully recovered, this year she wants to celebrate Christmas in ways that only Fagg women can: big, loud and over the top. She wanted to celebrate 25 days of Christmas. I compromised and decided that I can do 12 with good will. Personally I am waiting for the merry land of January 3rd to be here so that things can go back to normal but instead will make this work.

Anyhoodledoodle, the more I think about ways to celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas, the more fun I started to have. In the beginning I was looking at the financial part: my money has been funny lately and it’s a downer to have to stick to a budget! I know many a person does it but I fully admit that when I was married I gladly handed financial matters to the ex and went on my way. Now that I have to make and stick to a budget, I am feeling the crushing weight of responsibility and I am unable to do the prescribed therapy (retail). But instead of bemoaning what I DO NOT have, I decided to look at things that I am able to work with.

Stay tuned for the countdown to the holidays!



I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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