Happy Birthday Maurice Sendak!

Say it Rah-shay By Jun 10, 2013 No Comments

Today would have been Maurice Sendak’s 85th birthday and the Google Doodle for today shows a wonderful interpretation of Where the Wild Things Are. As an adult, I love and appreciate Where the Wild Things Are, although there are other favorite Sendak books that get top billing in my house.

Pierre: A Cautionary Tale in Five Chapters and a Prologue

First of all this book is small and as a kid small things meant they were tailor-made for my pocket! But really, the tale of Pierre, who does not care, and gets gulped by a lion…bliss and spaciousness for my young eyes!

Where the Wild Things Are

I will be honest. I did not learn to love this book until I was older. I used to be afraid of the wild things. (Honestly, are you surprised?) BUT at the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia there was (is) a fantastic interactive exhibit that I used to take Pop, The Bee, and Dill too. They would get on the boat to sail in and out of days, dress up in costume and I learned to put my fear aside and love this book that all of the kids acted out.

Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months

A book about food! In rhyme!! That follows the months of the year!!!

I loved reading this book as a kid (October rocks!) and then with *my* kid as we shared her special month. Plus, I was able to sneak in a few meals of chicken soup with rice before she got hip to what I was doing and refused to eat the soup.


Honorable Mention:
Little Bear
When Nick Jr was the norm on our television, Little Bear was a show we watched. Maurice Sendak didn’t write this book; it was written by Else Miniark. But Sendak’s illustrations were something unlike the Wild Thing drawings and the show was such a nice show in a time where kids were brats, know it alls or some kind of combo.


What say you? Any favorite Sendak books? Let me know!

Here is a link to me reading Where the Wild Things Are for work.

Causing a wild rumpus!


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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