Total aside: I really need a calendar with bizarre holidays, notes about books, tidbits of info and the like to keep me in the know.
Anywho, I thought I would review books that I LOVE doing read-alouds with.
First up:
Bill Grossman’s My Little Sister Ate One Hare.
It’s a counting book!
It’s an animal book!
It rhymes and it’s gross.
I love this book. The text is fun and predictable and as a budding Drama Queen I can exaggerate the sister’s iron stomach. Kids love hearing about little sister’s eating (among everything else!) two ants underpants, four shrews smelly socks and shoes, and the mess she makes when eating healthy.
Even The Bee, in all of her tween glory enjoys hearing this book and yucks it up when we read. Visit your library and read for yourself how one little girl eats a menagerie of food.
A book not to puke about,
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