Great Books Week Day 2- Monster Mash!

Say it Rah-shay By Oct 05, 2010 No Comments

I’m on a picture book kick because

  1. I need to plan for my next few storytimes
  2. I’ve been weeding and pulling books for a display
  3. Secretly I want to act

Seriously, I love reading aloud to little kids, especially those who make me work for it. It’s satisfying to lure a smile from a withdrawn tight face, someone who has emphatically declared that they are NOT going to enjoy the story even if they have to listen. Without tooting my own horn (beep, beep) I enjoy that moment when they stare breathlessly, waiting to hear the next word, the clap that comes and the oft asked, “read it again!”


It’s Halloweenish around these parts and while my library does not ‘do’ Halloween, I do an homage to monsters and my favorite book by far is Jon Stone’s “The Monster at the End of This Book” (Hello Everybodee!).

I can remember Charleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene reading this to Leaky, me reading it to Pop and The Bee and now I can share it scores of kids each October. Donning a Grover voice this is wonderful book to get children involved, have them help turn pages and ensure that there is nothing to fear! With each page Grover begs, pleads and barters with the reader to NOT turn another page. All is well at the end; we find that the monster is Grover himself.  This such a fun book to read aloud, to read with a small group and to read over and over.

Other monster books that I love:
Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley
-As a punk kid, EVERYTHING scared me. This book shows children that a monster is something that YOU can control; willing it to go away instead of allowing it to rule your fears.

The Absolutely Awful Alphabet by Mordecai Gerstein
-What a wonderful use of adjectives! Juicy words describe the awful letters of the Alphabet.

Leonardo, the Terrible Monster! by Mo Willems
What can’t that man do? Sigh!
Anywho, Leonardo is a terrible monster; he can’t scare ANYONE! When he meets a nervous little boy will Leonardo finally be able to scare someone?

Birthday Monsters by Sandra Boynton
Who hasn’t had annoying birthday guests? Um, neither have I but if you HAVE then this book is the perfect companion for those wacky parties!

What are some of your favorite Monster Books?



I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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