In which spoonfuls of sugar are NOT necessary to make the tea go down.
When Lou Parisi contacted me to try Honest Tea I was so looking forward to try the tea. It was during the very warm very hot heat wave known as summer and coincided with my obsession to find the perfect refreshing drink. My preference for iced tea is usually sweetened. Very, very, very sweet and I was looking forward to a few bottles.
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Sad panda…tea is all gone! |
The day Lou delivered the tea I was in the middle of a crazy program and welcomed a tea. Included in the bag were a variety of teas and samples of Honest Kids. I went with sweet tea and my coworker went with Honest Kids. Abbe loved her Grape flavored Honest Kids. The Sweet Tea…well it was not what I expected. I was thinking that I would be getting something along my usual very heavily sweetened tea. The first sip left me feeling as if the flavor was way too light and almost had me reaching for the sugar.
Later that evening I gave The Bee an Apply Ever After and after one sip she opted for water. I tried a Honey Green Tea and again found that the tea was not as sweet as I liked. We gifted the rest of the bottles to family or work and declared Honest Teas were not for our family. We went back to our regular tea and declared that we were never going to have anything to do with Honest Tea again.
As summer eased into fall, I found myself thinking about the things The Bee and I use to fuel our bodies. More specifically, just how much sugar and junk we ingest. I had begun to feel really, really sluggish; found that the more sweet tea, soda, coffee laden with sugar that I drank, the more I wanted. I had begun to limit the amounts of sodas we bought, would take my coffee without added sugar and would opt for water instead if a sugary drink. I also found that Honest Tea was showing up all over the place. At the market, at our new crepe place, at events.
During the Power Up Weekend, Honest Tea was a sponsor and after our long drive down to the conference, I found myself grabbing a bottle of Sweet Tea. The Sweet Tea seemed sweeter. It was light and refreshing and not as bitter or bland as I seemed to remember. A second bottle later that day and I found that I was really enjoying my drink.
I will admit: the tea that I had declared not for me is my new go to. Other drinks seem too sweet by comparison and leave me wanting more. Honest Tea leaves me satisfied and nourished, as if my body is being filled with something that is good for me. I still enjoy an occasional sugary drink but find that if I have a choice, Honest Tea is what I reach for.
Now, this does not end with The Bee and I happily sipping Honest products. I have found that getting her to switch from her usual juice boxes is a struggle. One bright spot, she will opt for water if nothing is available AND has not been wasting juice boxes willy nilly.
If you are in the Delaware County area, check out Whole Foods this week. Honest Tea is on sale for 4 for 5.00. Indulge in a bottle. I do not think you’ll regret it.
Sipping, sipping, sipping…
r’s note: In the spirit of disclosure, I was given samples of Honest Tea to try but all thoughts and opinions are my own
We like the sweet tea, but we ONLY drink Honest Kids pouches. I agree, we are so used to filling our bodies with junk, that we sometimes need to detox. It is a tasty way to detox IMHO.
We <3 Honest Tea - the product is great and I think their name is super clever (and apparently that totally does work on me at least!) :)
this is a nice treat when water jsut doesn’t cut it
I must say, I didn’t know there were kids drinks by Honest Teas…I am SO looking forward to having the kiddos try them. And, I LOVE their Sweet Tea too! It is delicious!
Oh Rachee! You sucked me in! Look Better Naked plus Honest Tea, how could I resist! Who wouldn’t want to look better naked plus sip on some great tea–way to go!
I love Honest Tea because of exactly what you wrote. It is so light and refreshing. Wonderful post. I am glad you gave it a second chance.
I believe I had Honest Tea a while back, but I think I’ll have to try it again!
Thanks for the review! I remember you tweeting && raving about it Power Up Weekend.
I’ve never tried it…. maybe I’ll have to put it on my list.
I do not like cold tea so I have not tried the Honest Tea, but I did try their pomegranite drink (also a PowerUp treat) and it was quite good. I was mad when my husband drank the extra bottle I saved. I am shopping anyway this weekend so I will check out the sale at Whole Foods. Thanks for the tip.
I love the lemonade. My kids don’t like juice, they only drink milk and water and when I gave them Honest Tea Apple…..THEY LOVED IT!!!!!
We, well my hubby, loves Sweet Tea. I have limited my intake of sweet drinks. We have not tried Honest Tea, actually never heard of them. Thanks for the review. I will look for them in our Whole Food store.
I just love their half and half tea (half lemonade, half tea). Unlike you, I don’t see Honest Tea at stores near me, the only place I know I can get it is this one CVS & I rarely need to go there. What I like about it is most of the other brands of half and half contain really horrible ingredients like brominated vegetable oil. I know Wawa brand “lemonade tea” is like 99% chemicals. As you see, I’m kind of a connoisseur. 😉
My son told me that someone (could have been Honest Tea themselves) set up a display that told passerbys how much a bottle of Honest Tea cost and for each person to pay and take their tea.
Not everyone was honest but I thought it was a great social experiment.
So delish!! Honest is my number one choice always! If you like the Sweet Tea try out the Pom Blue. It isn’t bitter like most pomegranate drinks are!!
i tried honest tea for the first time on october 27th and I found it to be light and refreshing; I tend not to drink bottled teas because I do find them to be too sweet. the one i tried i believe had peach in it 😉