Get a Lift With @BarelyThr

Review it Rah-shay By Sep 06, 2013 1 Comment

r’s note: I am a Barely There Blog Squad Member and have been given products to try and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 




As a Barely There blogger ambassador, I look forward to the delivery of new products to try. I love the way my silhouette looks when I try on a new garment, the way my clothes seem to fit me better and I just feel comfortable standing tall. I have not always felt this way. There were years where I felt that my chest was just too big and I spent years trying to camouflage these new assets, hide and cover them in over sized clothes, an attempt to not draw attention to myself. When I would shop for a new bra, I would grab whatever was my size from the rack and rush to pay, never considering support, comfort or anything rational. I never gave a thought to what part in getting dressed my undergarments played. I just knew my size was my size and that was all I concerned myself with.


Since I have been wearing Barely There products, I have discovered a new confidence that I never had. Instead of ugly lumps I see curves. I look at myself and think feminine and appealing. With the newest products I am ready to channel Dorothy Dandridge as Carmen Jones and I do not want this feeling to end!


The item causing such excitement? The Fuller Coverage Customized Lift.  


Believe the hype. This bra is comfortable, lifts and is so flattering for me. I LOVE the way everything looks, how I feel and enjoy a perkiness that I was never able to achieve in other items.

I received two samples of the Fuller Coverage Customized lift. One has lifting petals, which adds a boost to my chest. The second is the Fuller Coverage Underwire which offers the same boost without the lifting petals. Both are extremely comfortable, offers me amazing support and just makes me feel like I would curvy and feminine. I

You don’t have to take my word for it. Check out Barely There online for more information. Visit your local department stores (I have spied Barely There products at Kohl’s and Target) and see for yourself. 

They say they’ve “Got You Covered” and yes ma’am…they do.




I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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