It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time! Are you ready for some cookies?
This year The Bee and I have not set a sales goal for a total cookie sales but in the past 300 seemed to be the magic number to get a free week of camp. This year we are just going to sell our cookies and prep for the next year when we bridge and have a destination goal to work toward.
The varieties of cookies are still the same (lovely, wonderful Caramel de Lites how I have missed you!) and we are going to sell them once the sale starts on Thursday, January 19th. Besides inhaling them I wanted to see what else I could do with the cookies. A Google search yielded these fantastic looking recipes and I think that I am going to give these a go.
Peanut Butter Sandwich. Formerly known as the Do-Si-Do
The Peanut Butter Sandwich cookie is hit or miss for me. I’ll eat them in a pinh but it’s not a flavor I would readily purchase. The recipe for on the Little Brown Baker’s site for Peanut Thai Chicken looks wonderful. Peanut Butter cookies, chicken. There is nothing wring about that combo!
My favorite cookie is the Caramel De Lite. Formerly known as (and secretly called by me) the Samoas.
The coconut shrimp recipe made using these cookies look fantabulous! I am so excited to try these! There is also a recipe for cake, sweet rolls, and trail mix. Let me wipe the drool from my mouth!
I’m not a mint in my brownies type of gal but these Mint Brownies featuring Thin Mints are quite intriguing. Me thinks I’ll have to add some mint to my life with this recipe.
DO you have favorite Girl Scout recipes? If you blog, share a link in the comments. If you are not blogging, please leave a comment. Pictures will be posted as soon as we get the OK to start selling cookies.
Supporting a Girl Scout (and feeding my tummy!)
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