F is for Frog #atozchallenge

Say it Rah-shay By Apr 06, 2015 No Comments

Do you know why it’s called “frogging” when you undo your work while you are knitting or crocheting?

Because you are ripping it out….

…rip it…


See what I did there?


Originally found on http://crosstalk.kinja.com/im-a-dude-hes-a-dude-shes-a-dude-were-all-dudes-1496795306

Originally found on http://crosstalk.kinja.com/im-a-dude-hes-a-dude-shes-a-dude-were-all-dudes-1496795306

Anywho, as I was working up my cowl, I realized that it was looking, in a word, a mess. Sure, it was squishy and chunky but somewhere along the way I dropped a stitch and when I put it on it was too tight.

Like, put it on your neck and it’s a workout tight.

So it was time to let ‘er rip.

The cowl went from this:


To this:


and finally to this:

IMG_3087.JPGBack to the beginning!

Join me each day (ish) for the A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day I will share a post inspired a letter of the alphabet.



I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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