I cannot wait for Tuesday evening.
The election coverage has gotten so frenzied that I am feel like screeching.
By no means am I to be viewed as a well informed totally unbiased voter, however as a Black woman, there is NO way that I can say that I will vote Republican because of the Good old boy network and institution of sexism.
I listened to Here and Now and heard the interview with Diane Mantouvalos who launched Just Say no Deal. This chick says “that the women got the short end of the stick this year… and that she is “…voting against a system that rewarded sexism, allowed it to go unchecked, by the media, even by the Obama campaign..” (please to note: click on the link for the entire interview; I tried to transpose as much a s possible but only typed in the parts that truly floored me!)
These people hiding behind their feminist views ought to stop.
Black woman with locs here!
I am all for women being in charge, blazing the trails but it amazes me how many are using this as an excuse to vote for Palin.
Have we heard Obama crying foul?
McCain and Palin have all but said let’s keep the “White House white”.
Why does Obama have to continually prove himself?
Knock it off Dinoman (doesn’t McCain look like a T-Rex?) and Plain (not a typo).
Don’t forget to vote.
You know, I want to make a snarky comment on this, and I know you would know that I’m kidding. But I fear it being left to the interwebs and someday the comment would come back to bite me on the butt. So, you know me, *insert snarky comment here*.
You know, I want to make a snarky comment on this, and I know you would know that I’m kidding. But I fear it being left to the interwebs and someday the comment would come back to bite me on the butt. So, you know me, *insert snarky comment here*.