From The Nitpicker’s Guide to Classic Trekkers: The things that Dr. Mccoy isn’t (as in I’m a doctor not a…)
- a moon shuttle conductor, “The Corbomite Maneuver.”
- a bricklayer, “The Devil in the Dark.”
- a psychiatrist, “The City on the Edge of Forever.”
- *according to the episode Court Martial, Dr McCoy is a specialist in space psychology (whatever that is)
- a mechanic, “The Doomsday Machine” and “The Empath.”
- a scientist or a physicist, “Metamorphosis.”
- an escalator, “Friday’s Child.”
- a magician, “The Deadly Years.”
- a flesh peddler, “Return to Tomorrow.”
- a coal miner, “The Empath.”
I am so using this at work. Whenever someone asks me something that I find ridiculous I am going to tell them I am a librarian (or YSC if I’m feeling like THAT on the given day) not a _______________(fill in the blank)>
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