Call for Guest Crafters for National Craft Month

Say it Rah-shay, yaRRns By Jan 28, 2014 9 Comments

March is National Craft Month and Say it Rah-shay wants you!

Fill out the form below to add your blog and craft to the list. Posts can be new or recycled; I will link back to your site or preferred social media outlet.

Questions? Please e-mail me at


march craft month1






I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. Thanks! I just had to request access to be able to submit my link or links.

  2. Aimee Hemmelgarn Smith says:

    What a fun round up! Can't wait to see all the featured bloggers!

  3. Rachée Fagg says:

    Let me look at the form again. I thought I left it open for all.

  4. I’m not very crafty but, can’t wait to see who you feature.

  5. I'm noticing the same thing as Stefani with the form about needing permission.

  6. I didn’t know March was National Craft Month! I wish I had more time to do crafty stuff because it really is fun. Look forward to your roundup!

  7. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. I am TRYING to be more crafty!!!

  8. Julie Howard Kieras says:

    I've been trying to post a craft or two a month – easy things that "regular" folks like me who have no patience can do LOL 🙂

  9. Emily FaliLv says:

    I had no clue March was craft month! How cool!

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!