Belly Busters: Cafe Clave

Say it Rah-shay By Mar 08, 2011 No Comments

Reason #36 why I heart Effin Guy: after going on and on about the empanadas The Bee and I had at the Lansdowne YMCA’s international Fair this past Sunday he found a place in the area that served the wonderful bites and last night we headed to Cafe Clave.

Cafe Clave is located in University City at 4305 Locust Ave and has a nice vibe. The staff were all friendly, the place is clean, comfy and warm and it’s like an Internet cafe but with a chilling on your couch vibe. The prices were reasonable and I can’t wait to return. I had a chicken empanada and Effin Guy ordered all three of the varieties so that we could sample (OK, he ordered but I took liberties with his plate).

My order of hot chocolate and a chicken empanada was just right for a late night snack. The hot chocolate was made with warmed milk and whipped cream topped with chocolate sauce. The empanada was stuffed with chicken, onions and tomatoes and surrounded by a flaky pastry dough. The bean empanada had a bit of cheese and the beef wasn’t my favorite although the flavor was good and they were quite filling.

This place offers gift certificates and some vegan fair so I think a night out for The Bee is warranted.

Speaking of the wonderful meat pies: this weekend The Bee and I are going to try our hand at making our own. I found a few recipes online that seem simple enough. Will post pictures of them when they are done.

Drooling at the thought,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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