I’ve gone ahead and joined another blogging challenge. This one, the A-Z challenge, played on my love of Alphabet books, sounded like fun, seemed like something that I would totally and whole hog get and keep into.

But to get back to my word for the day (month)…actuate!
–verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.
1. to incite or move to action; impel; motivate: actuated by selfish motives.
2. to put into action; start a process; turn on: to actuate a machine.
With some changes that have been happening in my life (both positive and not so positive!) I thought I would change my self speak and just do it. For so long I have been thinking about doing something, talking about it, worrying about it. My normal thoughts process goes:
- Get an idea
- Get EXCITED about the idea
- Worry about the idea
- Discuss it with a few trusted friends (or anyone that will listen) and get excited again
- Do nothing
- Berate myself for inactivity
- Cycle begins again
At times my ambitions are bigger than what I think my abilities are and it causes me to just not do a dang thing. Last night I had a fantastic event for work and I am buoyed by its success. I feel like I can do ‘it’ and that I will be a success. No conceit, no arrogance just the confidence that I can follow through and get ‘er done.
Nothing major and unrealistic that will be a recipe for frustration and failure but more on the level of getting an idea and acting on it.
Next up…B is for Blog
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